What We Do


Climate change remains a threat to humanity. We carry out projects on climate change mitigation, adaptation, livelihood assistance, resilience and governance of global common. We also carry out projects on resilient renewable energy. Engage women and girls in climate justice and disaster reduction.


We focus on food systems and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) across the entire agriculture and food value chains, including Biodiversity and the blue economy. We also tackle food loss and waste. Innovative Eco-Farming in Rural and Urban Centers for nutrition and food security. We also work with farmers to improve productivity while reducing hunger, GHG emissions per ton of output, and decreasing postharvest in the supply chain over the national territory in Cameroon and the CEMAC SubRegion.


We focus on countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism. We access VERLT efforts through a gender-related approach and a profound understanding of the Radicalization process, De-radicalization, Reintegration and Rehabilitation projects.We are also focusing on countering terrorism financing and terrorism in the media and online.


We support gender equality, women’s access to justice, SGBV Projects on the fight

against the use and abuse of power and control in private and public places. The demonstration of violence manifests in different forms; including sexual harassment, Intimate Partner Violence of war (IPV), domestic violence, trafficking, rape as weapon, femicide, sexual violence, harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation, and child marriage. This SGBV creates impacts to ethnic groups, race, class and other intersecting minority groups.

We advocate for gender equality, equity and justice to trigger social transformation in our communities. Embark on projects that shift power toward women, girls and marginalized communities.


We focus on the environment to help decarbonize and build resilience improve on urban air quality, and urban energy systems, promote green and resource environment, reduce loss of biodiversity, promote integrated solid waste management, and improve the efficiency and resilience of urban water supply, sanitation, wastewater treatment. Tackle desertification and promote environmental conservation and tree planting, manage climate risks, manage climate finance to de-risk climate investment, land degradation, and management of non-timber resources. We focus on Projects to increase solar energy access, including renewable energy and remove market barriers for green technology.


We do advocacy. We also work on raising awareness; raising capacity of civil society actors, of public authorities, as well as lawyers and human rights defenders, and we equally conduct human rights advocacy before administrative and judicial authorities. We improve training of youth and women empowerment.

We are reshaping the civic space of human rights education; proposing new standards for climate justice to better protect women and girls though leadership development programs and work closely with local community leaders,

strengthening independent media to maintain a pluralistic civil society, creating platforms and maintaining platforms for local civic engagement and academia.


Education and training programs work to promote values by supporting entrepreneurship and leadership development.Integrated Education for sustainable programs in schools and Rural areas. We support technical and vocational trainings, the expansion of access to leadership development, capacity building for youth and women and other disadvantaged groups.

We create Projects for centers of critical thinking, civic engagement, innovative pedagogy and programs to promote service to humanity and transform youth experiences and learning.

We work on knowledge production as a source of youth empowerment. Develop new digital knowledge and skills that are of crucial importance to our communities.

We provide education for internally displaced persons, refugees, and migrants. We believe that people who have been forced from their homes by war and armed conflicts are still able to learn and pursue greater academic heights. We partner with institutions that train on innovative programs on statelessness and citizenship.

We focus chiefly on youth and women who face profound setbacks or systemic discrimination including internally displaced persons and migrants. We also invest in building individual and institutional capacities to share best practices and new models of human transformation and skill development at national level.


We work to prevent statelessness and protect the rights of stateless persons. Conduct training and awareness raising and advocacy.

INCENTIVE DEVELOPMENT ACTION [IDA] will fill the knowledge gap, sensitize people who lack awareness, legal status, identification, birth registration.

We address the phenomenon that violates peoples’ rights and fundamental freedom. Carry out community mobilization by improving data collection and making the marginalized and off-the-radar population visible and protected.

Bearing this in mind, the Project will provide areas of reflection will create best practices and to address this challenge people who are internally displaced facing barriers to protection due to lack of birth registration, lack of nationality, documentation and residence status. Most often realize that migrants face being struck in limbo in the country with options limited to applying asylum and humanitarian protection.


We work to build partnership to oppose the place of hate speech. We share values that unite communities including freedom of speech, rule of law and human rights.

We build cohesive societies, tackling discrimination and feelings of alienation that can help provide fertile ground for hate speech messages to take root. We will implement allofsociety approach and referral mechanism. We fight the alarming trend of xenophobia, racism and intolerance, violent misogyny and hatred around our communities which will restore tolerance, inclusion, diversity and the essence of human rights norms and principles.


We work on livelihoods and humanitarian Projects; by engaging other relevant stakeholders during implementation. Carry out emergency and livelihoods activities in places of tension and conflict.

We provide livelihoods assistance to individuals and communities suffering from human rights violations and abuse in fragile and conflict affected areas.

We offer psychosocial support to individuals and communities suffering from psychological trauma as a result of tension and conflicts.


– Promote and provide access to sexual and reproductive health services in communities.

Preventive Rural Healthcare Programs – Water, Sanitation and Hygienic Programs (WASH) in communities.

– We play a vital role in promoting and providing sexual and reproductive health services (SRH) globally.

– We create awareness campaigns to educate on family planning and safe sex practices.

– Trainings of healthcare providers to deliver quality care and run community outreach programs to reach underserved populations.

– Mobile clinics bring services to areas lacking healthcare facilities.

– Through advocacy, push for policies supporting sexual health rights. Partnerships help leverage resources and expand service reach.

– Research guides evidence-based interventions tailored to community needs.

– Support services like counseling and healthcare referrals ensure access to essential resources for sexual and reproductive health.


INCENTIVE DEVELOPMENT ACTION [IDA] works on Projects in areas where its staff and its units are present to:

  • Strengthen partnership, Internship and volunteering mission available,
  • And facilitate skilled-based sponsorship missions of staff.


IDA [INCENTIVE DEVELOPMENT ACTION] works to strengthen the coordination of livelihoods and humanitarian assistance to communities. Its humanitarian actions aim to improve and coordinate emergency humanitarian response at national level to address conflicts and disasters and other humanitarian emergencies.


Provide a platform for civic engagement with civil society organizations, while we have a shared commitment to help youth to reach their potential in education and training from an early age.



A. SOCIAL INSERTION PROJECTS: Projects with priority given to climate change, environmental issues, promotion of employment, reduction of poverty, education and training of youth, women and vulnerable communities.

INCENTIVE DEVELOPMENT ACTION [IDA] wishes to contribute to Projects related to the social and economic revitalization of biodiversity in the long term.

B. SOCIAL COHESION PROJECTS: Projects aim at youth, women, vulnerable people, and the communities through education, training, vocational activities, cultural and sport activities in disadvantaged communities and capacity building of frontline actors in conflictaffected areas.

We will be working bring innovative ideas to the approach as well as anchoring in social and inclusive policies into Projects mainstreaming gender, hate speech and nondiscrimination.


Development aids Projects for the most vulnerable include gender equality, GBV Projects, environment, climate crisis impact, WASH Projects, solid waste management, mobile water treatment plants.

Projects in statelessness and citizenship with support from national and local authorities in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Projects include a training component on the empowerment of youth and women, entrepreneurship and economic empowerment, staff training and actions to sensitize stateless persons and their rights guaranteed, and violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism.