
Our Partnerships

The Association provides a platform for consensusbuilding and meaningful exchanges of human and financial resources among key stakeholders to address sustainable development and build community spirit by focusing your programs on humancentered purpose. Multi-stakeholder partnership is to bring a variety of actors together to discuss cooperation and coordination of humanitarian and development affairs to support the implementation of SDG’s. We welcome corporate partners at all levels.


  • Strengthen the capacity youth and women’s leadership.
  • Bring the voice of youth into discussion and negotiation on 2030 sustainable development agenda.
  • Promote youth participation and civic engagement. -Promote youth internship and flagship programs


Bring together actors and frontline workers to carry out humanitarian and development activities among affected communities. Strengthen and improve humanitarian need, risk and vulnerability. Emergency Projects supporting humanitarian operations intension and conflict affected areas including essential services such as provision of food, water, sanitation and management of waste, basic necessities (Non-food) as well as their implementation, medico-psycho-social support.